Support a Clinic through our Twinning Program
Can you imagine travelling 100km to see a doctor about your diabetes? This can be a reality for some people in sub-Saharan Africa.
Our concept twins isolated clinics in Zambia with GP surgeries, Outpatient Departments or Hospital Wards in the UK. When you raise funds for our Twinning Scheme, your support will enable the Virtual Doctors service to continue in your twinned health clinic in Africa*.
It’s a really simple, yet effective idea:
You and your colleagues mobilise to fundraise to reach your target, (which we suggest is at least £1500). Your efforts will help fund the Virtual Doctors service in a twinned clinic for around a year.
You will all be helping to saves lives within a community.
How your donation is spent:
£1500 will contribute towards operating our service in a rural health clinic. This includes purchasing a smart phone and data, and training costs for the healthcare worker.
Costs are variable depending on location of the clinic and local economy and staffing, but every penny will help.
Funds raised will also help us support and set up new clinics in isolated areas of Zambia and help us to provide ongoing education for healthcare workers.
*The funds you raise may not necessarily be spent exclusively on your twinned clinic but your efforts will always make a difference to the lives of people in rural Zambia.
Step 1: Identify a twinning lead!
This person will be our main contact and we look forward to talking to them and our twinning team will be pleased to offer support and advice.
Once you are confirmed as a twinning clinic, we will provide you with a personalised twinning starter pack containing items such as:
An A3 poster* for display in your clinic
A5 leaflets* for patients to take away
Fundraising thermometer suggestion
Collection boxes and Gift aid envelopes
General fundraising ideas and guidance
*digital copies for you to print out
Step 2: Brainstorm some ideas together with colleagues and make a plan!
Then just go for it! £1,000 may seem a daunting amount of money to raise but fundraising can be fun! Here are some ideas to get you started
Every penny counts and it will all add up surprisingly quickly!
To keep awareness high – why not consider adding a link to your newsletter, website or Facebook page.
Step 3: Shout about what you are doing and put your clinic in the spotlight!
Contact your local newspaper and local radio stations. They will love local interest stories, and this is a nice one!
They may be prepared to run articles on your Clinic Twinning initiative which will help to raise awareness and sponsorship. We can provide press release templates and offer more ideas and information.
Our Twinning Team will also keep in touch with you, offering information and support for the duration of your initiative!